Autism Babysitters

Autism Babysitters in Alpharetta, GA
Autism Babysitters has specialized babysitters ready to assist you in Alpharetta . We are here to accommodate your needs from in-home to night-life. Choose from the services listed below to get started with your respite needs.
Autism Babysitters provides in-home support around the clock in Alpharetta. We use intervals to keep your child engaged with sensory activities while also allowing time for independence.
When you have in-home ABA services, Autism Babysitters can partner with your ABA Provider when you have to step away. Allow us to stand in so your child may have a continuity of services.
Autism Babysitters is here to support you as you travel. Take advantage of being near one of the busiest international airports and the skill set of Autism Babysitters to get on the road again.
From grocery shopping to the birth of a newborn, Autism Babysitters is here to support you. We will keep your loved one close, safe, and engaged so you can better manage your needs.
Take advantage of the entertainment offered near you. Plan a day at the Georgia Aquarium or the Children's Museum. RSVP Yes to the party! Autism Babysitters is here to advocate for your child to participate and facilitate their needs during the function.
Learn how to identify the crisis cycle and safely manage the behaviors that come with it. You can de-escalate, manage the safety of everyone involved, and reintegrate your child into higher probability activities. Techniques include bite release and transportation.